Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Ever wondered how February 14 becomes the day on which we celebrate and explore love in all its many ideals, Valentine's Day?

There are many varying opinions on how Valentine's Day started. Here, I want to share a link (and the article in it) that explains all about Valentine's Day. [Read on, the link's at the bottom]

Valentine's Day History

Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.
In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialised. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. The spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school.

The History of Saint Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honour Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the Goddess of women and marriage. The following day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia.
The lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate. However, one of the customs of the young people was name drawing. On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man would draw a girl's name from the jar and would then be partners for the duration of the festival with the girl whom he chose. Sometimes the pairing of the children lasted an entire year, and often, they would fall in love and would later marry.

Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed that the reason was that roman men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II. He and Saint Marius aided the Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for this kind deed Saint Valentine was apprehended and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of February, about the year 270. At that time it was the custom in Rome, a very ancient custom, indeed, to celebrate in the month of February the Lupercalia, feasts in honour of a heathen god. On these occasions, amidst a variety of pagan ceremonies, the names of young women were placed in a box, from which they were drawn by the men as chance directed.

The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome endeavoured to do away with the pagan element in these feasts by substituting the names of saints for those of maidens. And as the Lupercalia began about the middle of February, the pastors appear to have chosen Saint Valentine's Day for the celebration of this new feaSt. So it seems that the custom of young men choosing maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the coming year, arose in this way.

St. Valentine's Story
Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. I didn't like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn't the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn't going to support that law!

Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favourite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies -- secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine."

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh -- because they know that love can't be beaten!

Valentine Traditions
Hundreds of years ago in England, many children dressed up as adults on Valentine's Day. They went singing from home to home. One verse they sang was:

Good morning to you, valentine;
Curl your locks as I do mine ---
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, valentine.

In Wales wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, "You unlock my heart!"

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him.

Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.

A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together -- but not too closely!

Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.

Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds into the wind. Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.

If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was told by my bro.Joseph from Kuching yesterday that our uncle James Yakub passed away. Our late uncle was once upon a time well known among our people(Lun Bawang) as the 1st LB football player representing Sarawak for Malaysia. He played footbal for Malaysia together with Mokhtar Dahari, James Wong, Soh Chin Aun many more in the 70's & 80's. I was still very young during that time & but i still remember i saw him on TV playing with Hassan Sani. The last i saw him was way back in 1998 or 1999 when he returned to Lawas during Christmas. I remember i asked him about his experience of representing Malaysia in the olden days. He told me some of his bad experienced during his time in Peninsular. After his early retirement from Football, he joined the Army & and started play Rugby. I still remember i asked him about the injury on his face from his latest rugby match in Kuching just before he returned to Lawas. His body has been buried yesterday 8.2.2009 in Kuching. I will never see him again, but his face is still fresh in my memory and all the Lun Bawang of Sarawak(Of course sure meeting him in Heaven) . Bye uncle James. 


Monday, February 09, 2009


Hari ini saya merayakan Hari Ulang Tahun saya yang ke-35. Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana berkat dan kasih yang melimpah yang Tuhan curahkan didalam kehidupan saya. Dalam pelayanan, pekerjaan dan juga keluarga. Oleh itu, saya terus tetap mengasihi Tuhan. Hari Ulangtahun saya tahun ini adalah bersamaan dengan hari "Chop Goh Me" iaitu hari terakhir masyarakat cina merayakan CNY terakhir. Sepanjang kehidupan saya, hari ulangtahu saya telah beberapa dirayakan secara "Surprise" dan saya masih ingat 2 kali my birthday surprise yang dibuat oleh kawan2x dan isteri saya. Pertama, semasa masih belum berkahwin dimana kawan2x terpaksa menunggu sehingga dekat pukul 12 tengah malam dan separuh tertidur kerana hanya untuk mengadakn birthday surprise untuk saya. Pada malam itu, saya telah keluar malam dan tanpa disedari kawan2x saya telah mengatur satu birthday surprise untuk saya dirumah. Kedua, isteri saya dan kawan kami(Tito & Noumie) telah membuat satu surprise birthday cake untuk saya semasa kami sedang siok menjamu selera. Pada ketika itu, satu pengumuman dibuat yang didengar oleh semua orang didalam yang didalam restauran tersebut dan kek sedang dibawa masuk oleh para pekerja restauran sambil lagu happy birthday dinyanyikan oleh semua pelayan dan sebahagian tetamu yang ada yang diiringi oleh para pemain musik yang bermain guitar datang kemeja dimana kami makan. ketiga adalah hari ini dimana saya telah dirayakan oleh seluruh warga Giant yang telah dirancang dengan sangat rapi oleh rakan staff saya(1st birthday celebration celbrated with that kind of arrangement ever). Tanpa saya sedari panggilan untuk berjumpa dengan pengurus kawasan adalah sebenarnya panggilan surprise yang betul2x membuat terharu....Dan sebelah malam, we had our birthday dinner at Likas Pizza Hut(Coz most Restauran yang sedap2x tutup) with my lovely family(Missah,Chloe & Eden)+ Wendy my wife cousin, bro. David & family, my sister Veronica, Bro.In-Law Labo & friends. I called my mum during the dinner & she "Nyanyikan" saya birthday song live through the handphone speaker sambil didengarkan oleh semua yang hadir. Saya sangat besyukur kepada Tuha kerana Tuhan yang layak ditinggi dan dimuliakan selama-lamanya. saya berdoa supaya berkat Tuhan itu dapat dinyatakan dengan jelas melalui kehidupan saya kepada ramai orang. Tuhan saya mengasihiMu. Amen.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Day Before My Birthday

Shalom!..Am back from Church after having lunch outside with my family, our routine on Sundays.

I am still sourcing for my sermont preparation on 22nd Feb. Being a purpose driven man, i am trying or ensure that i am in-line with GOD's will in everything i do. I love to share God's words to anyone as best and as clear as possible. I pray that God will lead me in my preparation and speak to me so that i can share the truth from Him.

I never had any formal theological training so i solely give my needs unto God's hands. Right now, i am in the midst of doing my research actually... The Church leaders decided on the main theme for the month " A Committment to lead a Happy Christian Family". Meaning all the preachers (including lay preacher like me) for the month will be preaching based on this theme.

Wow..! This week will be a busy week for me as i need to prepare for my work report for my presentation on Thursday. Last night i was unable to stay awake to watch my football team "LIVERPOOL" play. Felt very sleepy and went to bed at 11pm ++..Can't really remember. So I didn't know the score until my church member told me the result right after we left for refreshment-3/2 -meaning Liverpool is leading the EPL over MU. MU fan(atic)s at church just teased me on Liverpool being beaten by Everton for the FA Cup 2 days ago. My reply- Liverpool right now just stay focus on the League Cup.

My wife & my daughters just went out to send her cousin to see doctor as she complaint of pain on her right neck. A bit swollen.

I got to do my report now at the office. See ya...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I am back...

Hi...finally i am back with my long long overdue blog. I reckon it was way back in 1996 since my last posting. I am thinking to start with a new fresh things to do in 2009. I know it is already February 4th, but i already started with my resolution since last year Dec. Unlike the past years, i am sort of ready with my plans as I entered this year and with full of confidence.
My eldest daughter Chloe is entering her primary one and her early morning routine sort of serve as a boost for me to start my morning prayer before i begin the day.
I am so impressed with a lots of thing in life, but not with myself yet.
This year with GOD's blessing i will start something different in my life.
Eden (my 2nd daughter) just turned 10 months. Wow! Just one look at her is enough to loosen all my tiredness from the office. She is so adorable & cute.
Chloe will fill up our journey from her school to our home with all her cartoons stories...really unbelievable!...she just keeps telling me the stories she remembers without giving me any line to breath or chirp in...just kidding.
My lovely wife is very busy with her school as it's the first phase of the year...I hope (and believe) she can cope with her students. wife also started her e-business in Sept'08 & i admire her courage. I believe that GOD surely bless her business as she has a very good purpose.
I need to stop right now as i need to wake early morning or's 1.06am already mah.....opps.